Gov. John Kasich has it in for teachers like almost every other conservative politician and it is getting terribly sickening. That conservative hatred has them always pounding on the people who are hugely underpaid and who are taking care of their own kids in many cases.
While some Republicans have called for abolishing the federal Education Department, Ohio Gov. John Kasich on Wednesday set his sights on a smaller target: the teachers’lounge.
“There’s a constant negative … They’re going to take your benefits. They’re going to take your pay,” Kasich told former CNN anchor Campbell Brown, whose advocacy news site “The 74 million” hosted the forum along with the American Federation for Children.
If I were, not president, if I were king in America, I would abolish all teachers’ lounges where they sit together and worry about ‘woe is us’,” Kasich told Brown.
Kasich said he gets that “teachers feel pounded upon.” He lamented the state of pay for teachers as compared to say, football coaches.
“But if you’re a terrible teacher, then you should be doing something else. You’re going to find more satisfaction doing something that you’re good at,” Kasich said.
Here's a man running for the presidency, having dreams of being a king. That's nice and revealing. In his mind, the problem with our education system is a teacher's lounge. What a mensch.
Conservatives never worry about how horrific a CEO is, like say Carly Fiorina, who destroyed an entire company and walked away with millions of dollars for her efforts. Nope, that's the free market system that rewards failure with bags of gold.
Kasich should be a little bit more careful. The last time he went after public employees he got his clock cleaned by the voters. Of course he made the mistake of including firefighters -- a mostly male profession -- in his crusade and they just won't stand for it. Teachers, on the other hand, are now perfectly acceptable punching bags for the Republican party.