Steve Kornacki uses a DSCC hit piece run in the Politico to attack Rep. Alan Grayson's chances at winning the Florida Senate seat.
July 11, 2015

MSNBC's Steve Kornacki subbed for Chris Matthews and decided that repeating a DSCC hit piece transcribed in Politico was the way to go in attacking Rep. Alan Grayson. He fell into the same ridiculous trap that most beltway Progressives do. When they find an outspoken liberal that vociferously supports the working class, they turn on them for being too outspoken! His use of the aforementioned Politico hit piece opines that if Grayson beats the horrible and former Republican Patrick Murphy in the primary for the Democratic nomination in Florida, the heavens will part, fire will come forth and destroy the Democratic party's chances to take back the Senate. Huh?

Former Republicans turned Democrats was Steve Israel's forte for the type of Democratic politician the DCCC promoted and now the DSCC is doing the same. Hell, instead of nominating a real Democrat to run against the corrupt Rick Scott for Governor, they chose ex-Republican Charlie Crist. How did that work out?

Since Alan Grayson is one of the only Democrats in the Congress to use rhetoric that takes Republicans out to the woodshed for their horrible behavior over giving Americans health care in America, he must pay!!!!

Kornacki has the nerve to actually compare Rep. Alan Grayson, a politician that's always on the front lines defending the American working class to the bloviating carnival barking xenophobic Donald Trump, whose sole purpose in life is to serve Donald Trump. (If you need refreshing, watch this video of Alan describing what he's standing for. Donald Trump couldn't hold his jock strap.

Kornacki describes Patrick Murphy as the fair haired child in this race and Alan Grayson as the "Defiant One" for bucking the DLC/Corporatists who wish to install another politician that will suck up to Wall Street and be their yesman.

Does Kornacki know that Murphy voted for the Keystone XL Pipeline ten times or so? That he also voted for offshore oil drilling? That he was the only Democrat to vote with uber conservative Florida Republican Bill Posey, on his horrific bill:

The bill he's best known for having authored is H.R. 1503-- a crazy birther bill-- which would require presidential candidates to provide a copy of their original with certificates. And Wednesday night was no different. Posey proposed an amendment to the Transportation Bill to kill off some crucial Florida infrastructure-- All Aboard Florida, train service from Miami to Orlando. It was defeated 163-260 with every Florida Democrat but one voting against it. The only Florida Democrat-- in fact the only Democrat from any state-- to vote with the GOP majority, as he so often does-- was reactionary New Dem, Patrick Murphy.

Grayson is a leader, who is smart, takes the time to research issues and is willing to go toe to toe with the intellectually deficient Republican party while the Democratic Party establishment only wants yes men like Murphy.

Obviously not. A new Florida poll has Murphy leading Grayson by only three points, 27-24 and that has Kornacki spooked. He then played a clip of Grayson's famous Republican healthcare plan for Americans. I find it fascinating that almost the entire Republican party and their surrogates use over the top language to attack Obama, Liberals, healthcare, Social Security, etc, everyday, the kind of language that drips from overflowing urinals while Grayson went on the offensive a few times against his Republican counterparts and he's deemed persona non grata by the progressive establishment. What fools.

Kornacki: Could this loose cannon candidate blow the Democrats chances to win the Sunshine State back in 2016?

Apparently, if you're an outspoken Liberal, you're a loose cannon and not even allowed to campaign for a seat in Congress if a Wall Street corporatist yes man is in play.

What a ridiculous segment for Steve and I'm surprised by it. If Patrick Murphy is so rock solid what does he have to fear from a renegade like Alan Grayson? I bet Kornacki never spent any real time listening to Alan Grayson address the issues at a fundraiser or in private. If he did, he'd know that Rep. Grayson is all facts and no hyperbole when it comes to crucial policy decisions and not bogus talking points from the overflowed Clown Car of R's running in the 2016 presidential GOP primary.

Steve, please do some homework and stop embarrassing yourself.

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