Sharia Sunday!
It sure has been a fun week for me. I DO hope we've all managed to learn a thing or two about ourselves. Since it's Sunday, let's catch up on Religion's influence on our fair land...
The wonderful Helen Philpot, of Helen And Margaret, says, "If a government is able to show more compassion than your church, maybe you should join another church."
Lauren Nelson, of Friendly Athiest, brings us news of a Christian group training 1,000 Evangelical Pastors to run for public office. What could possibly go wrong?
Allen Clifton, at Forward Progressives, has a video of Mike Huckabee being taken to the woodshed for hypocrisy at a recent Town Hall meeting.
And finally, Mark Fulton, at Mad Mike's America, has "Putting Christianity Into Perspective-No Facts Required."
See you in September. Until then, remember, "Don't Let The Devil Drive:"
Round up by Monkeyfister (@Monkeyfister1 at Twitter). Send tips to mbru AT crooksandliars DOT com with “For MBRU” in the subject line.