Solidarity Saturday...
Today, let's celebrate Unions and Coalitions united in Labor, or in our struggle for Human and Civil Rights.
First up-- multi award-winning blog team skippy the bush kangaroo, is celebrating their 13th Blogiversary. They, and our own Mike Finnigan (Mike, of Mike's Blog Round-up), stand tall as paragons of support for Independent Liberal/Progressive Blogtopia (yyctp!). Long life to you, and Solidarity, dear friends.
N. Todd Pritsky, of Dohiyi Mir, brings us a poignant image of what Solidarity is all about.
Erik Loomis, of Lawyers, Guns & Money, celebrates New York Fast Food Workers' win for $15 per hour Minimum Wage. He and I both hope this spreads widely.
And finally, Prairie Weather reminds us not to shrug off Scott Walker: He's a real bitch.
Bonus Track:
Round up by Monkeyfister (@Monkeyfister1 at Twitter). Send tips to mbru AT crooksandliars DOT com with “For MBRU” in the subject line.