The History Of White People In America (abridged)...
As much as recent unpleasantness at Netroots Nation is a Godsend for the Rightwing Media Wurtlitzer, it is only currency to them in their constant efforts to play "Both Sides Do It." Don't let them. Bigotry is the property of Conservatives. It is what we Progressives, Liberals, Greens, Democrats, and other Denizens of the Left are united in fighting against. So, let's have a look...
Carl, at Simply Left Behind, gets us off to a right properly thoughtful piece that I think gets to the core of the issue right off.
The very brave, and very funny, Tommy T. at, First Draft, takes us, into the bitter heart of FReeperville, to bring back how Conservatives REALLY feel about Race.
Ed, at Gin And Tacos, illustrates to what great lengths the White Right goes to cover this over in defense of their own in public.
And finally, Bag News brings us the cleansing REALITY.
Round up by Monkeyfister (@Monkeyfister1 at Twitter). Send tips to mbru AT crooksandliars DOT com with “For MBRU” in the subject line.