"Very disappointed" is about the nicest thing you could say about this lot of xenophobic fearmongers, but Hillary Clinton took the diplomatic route while reminding the CNN audience that there isn't a whole lot of distance between Donald Trump and the rest of the GOP 2016 clown car when it comes to their policy positions on immigration.
They're all more than happy to keep that cheap labor flowing and assure that we continue to have at worst, slave labor, or at best, a permanent underclass with no right to participate in our democracy.
Hillary Clinton: I'm 'Very Disappointed' In Trump 'Rapist' Remarks:
Hillary Clinton said Tuesday she was “disappointed” by Donald Trump’s comments about Mexican “rapists” entering the U.S. illegally, and took aim at Republicans for not condemning the real estate mogul’s remarks sooner in a sit-down interview with CNN.
“I’m very disappointed in those comments,” Clinton said when asked about her reaction to Trump’s immigrant comments, with CNN reporter Brianna Keilar noting that Trump has for years donated to Clinton’s Senate campaigns and the Clinton Foundation.
“I feel very bad and very disappointed with him and with the Republican Party for not responding immediately and saying ‘enough. Stop it,” she said.
Clinton also said the Republican presidential candidates are all in “the same general area” as Trump on immigration, that they span a “spectrum on hostility” ranging from “grudgingly welcome” to outright hostility to immigrants. She also noted that no Republicans in the race support a path to citizenship. Read on...