July 12, 2015

Fox 'News' pundit and axe-wielding fill in, Pete Hegseth, is upset that a Democrat proposed a law removing gender from marriage. The words husband and wife are to be expunged from the language of federal marriage statutes. In order to be consistent with the marriage equality ruling that is now the law of the land, the government no longer has to make the distinction between same sex marriage and the ever-so-fragile, traditional marriage.

This is filed under the fear-mongering segment known as 'The PC Police,' as if language that is respectful and inclusive of all Americans is something the bigots and haters who comprise the Fox 'News' viewers can't stomach. If we can't single people out for being LGBT and subsequently snub them for being different, it might make 'traditional' marriage lose its meaning.

Representing the side of intolerance and homophobia is Amos Snead, who is the former press secretary for Senator Roy Blunt, the notorious lady-parts police. On the side of tolerance and inclusivity is Christy Setzer, former press secretary to Governor Howard Dean who praised the law proposed by Lois Capp (D-Ca) who wants the language to reflect marriage equality. Hegseth says,

'I'll go ladies first, which I shouldn't be doing anymore in light of this segment.'

Setzer explains that the terms husband and wife are not in any sort of jeopardy. Churches, your own home or workplace are not going to be doing away with the terms husband and wife.

Snead and Hegseth give their 'side' of the issue:

How far are we going to go, and is this what Congress should be doing right now? Why Gender at all? Why male and female? Does it eventually go there?

Let's just say what their real hangups are here. Removing gender means those icky transgender or gay people get to have the same legal marital status as they do and they just can't accept that.

I suppose both Snead and Hegseth saw the consequences of equating gay sex with bestiality like Rick Santorum, so they stopped short of alluding to that. It's obvious that these right-wingers don't like the SCOTUS decision and will bitch and moan every step of the way to cementing this law into our society. Simply allocating proper language to a new law is something that shouldn't bother anyone, but of course, the narrow-minded worldview of those in the Fox bubble can't handle tolerance, empathy and inclusivity.

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