Walker's Wisconsin: Dead Last For New Businesses
June 6, 2015

Since Scott Walker became the governor of Wisconsin, he's been boasting about how he was making Wisconsin business friendly which would lead to all sorts of great jobs. He's now traveling the country using this claim as a major talking point.

The reality is, of course, very different:

Wisconsin has dropped to dead last in the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation ranking for start-up activity, according to a report issued this week.

The state dropped to 50th from 45th last year, the report said. Kauffman, based in Kansas City, Mo., is focused primarily on entrepreneurship and education.

The report ranks states in three categories: rate of new entrepreneurs, a measure of business ownership; opportunity share of new entrepreneurs, a proxy indicator of the percent of new entrepreneurs starting businesses because they saw market opportunities; and start-up density, the number of start-up firms divided by total population of a place.

Most people want to add bullets to their resumes when applying for a new job. They also get into trouble when they're caught lying on them.

Walker tends to put bullets in through his resume and the Republicans just love him even though its got more holes than Swiss cheese.

Go figure.

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