Scott Walker appeared on ABC News “This Week with George Stephanopoulos” on Sunday to display his glaring ignorance. As a bonus, he added a dash of double standards.
KARL: You said not long ago that people don’t want an anointed leader in America. They don’t want someone whose part of a monarchy or legacy. You were talking about Hillary Clinton. But doesn’t that apply to Jeb Bush, too?
WALKER: Well, I mean I think it's really the context. I hope people, I hope Republicans, I hope independents and even some discerning Democrats will see that we're striking a stark contrast with Hillary Clinton. You know, we're a new fresh face taking on someone from the past.
KARL: But you have to run in the Republican primary first. Jeb Bush, this would be the third Bush. You’re talking about a monarchy, a legacy. Doesn’t that apply to Jeb?
WALKER: Well, I think it’s one of those where in a Republican primary people want to see how you’re going to step and contrast yourself from Hillary Clinton. And the fact is she’s not going through a primary, or at least not a real primary. She's not going to be highly contested out there, I think is a disadvantage not just for the Democrats, it’s a disadvantage for the American people.
So, the fact that Hillary Clinton's husband had been president makes her a legacy candidate, but Jeb Bush, whose father and brother were president, isn't one? Alrighty, then!
As for the point that Clinton doesn't face a "real primary," well, that's just Walker being jealous, wishing he was polling as well as Sanders:
The latest Quinnipiac Poll revealed that five Republicans are tied at the top of the Republican field. Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio, Scott Walker, Ben Carson, and Mike Huckabee each were at 10%.
Do you know who is more popular than even the most popular 2016 Republicans? Sen. Bernie Sanders. In the same poll, Sanders was supported by 15% of Democrats for their party’s nomination. Sen. Sanders trailed Hillary Clinton 57%-15%, but his fifteen percent made him the second most popular presidential candidate in the country.
In fact, Sanders might be doing even better than that. Although it was far from scientific, the straw poll at the Wisconsin Democratic convention, which held just this past weekend, shows Sanders closing the gap:
Democratic Party of Wisconsin conventioneers backed Hillary Clinton for the party’s presidential nomination next year, while Bernie Sanders finished a strong second, according to a straw poll.
Clinton drew support from 252 of the 511 delegates, alternates and registered guests who voted in the straw poll. Sanders was backed by 208, while Vice President Joe Biden and former Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley tied for a distant third with 16 votes each.
Clinton was also the favorite of activists at last year’s convention, taking almost 55 percent of the vote in the straw poll.
Meanwhile, it looks like Walker wouldn't even win his home state:
The latest Wisconsin Survey shows most residents -- 59 percent -- don't want Gov. Scott Walker to run for president.
The governor is widely thought to be planning on entering the race for the Republican nomination.
The statewide survey shows Walker with just a 41 percent approval rating.
That Walker has his facts wrong isn't a big surprise. His budgets keep proving he's not very good with numbers.