As we discussed here, Sec. of State John Kerry broke his femur in a bicycling accident over the weekend, which would normally garner some sympathy if you're like most of us and just an average member of society that has the ability to empathize with your fellow human beings.
Apparently that doesn't hold true if you are a blow hard, right wing, obese, hate-talker named Rush Limbaugh.
Rush Limbaugh Says John Kerry Is Too Old To Ride A Bicycle:
Rush Limbaugh took to the airwaves on Monday to mock John Kerry for the broken leg the secretary of state sustained in a bicycle accident near Geneva over the weekend.
In the space of just a few moments on his radio show, Limbaugh managed to insult Kerry's age, recreational habits and physical appearance, according to remarks posted on his website:
"Do you know how old John Kerry is? It's tough, you know. You can't tell a horse's age when you look it, and since Kerry looks like a horse, it's tough. But he's 71 years old. Now, would somebody tell me something? What is a 71-year-old man, secretary of state, doing riding a bicycle -- or, alternatively, windsurfing off Nantucket? Why is somebody riding a bicycle while in the midst of sensitive negotiations and attempting to secure nuclear weapons for Iran? Exercise? BS."
Kerry is a longtime cyclist who has been known to bring his bike with him on trips. However, Limbaugh claimed that Kerry was bicycling "for the photo-op, trying to look hip with the young generation that thinks life is all about exercise and fitness and so forth."
"You'd have never seen Dean Rusk with a bicycle out there. You'd have never seen Dean Acheson out there at Dulles on a bike," Rush said referring to other secretaries of state. "You'd have never seen the great Colin Powell out there on a bicycle heading off to a meeting at the UN. This is embarrassing."
The Young Turks' Cenk Uygur gave Limbaugh the treatment he deserves in the segment above, and reminded his viewers that some of the GOP's heroes, such as George W. Bush, St. Ronnie RayGun, Bush's daddy and even Richard Nixon have been photographed riding bicycles as well.
He also let Limbaugh have it for the fact that anyone who looks like him and hates exercise as much as he does really needs to STFU when it comes to someone else trying to stay fit.