June 10, 2015

Who knew the real victim following the incident where a Texas cop brutalized a black teenage girl at a pool party was going to end up being Fox's Megyn Kelly? I guess she's smarting from all the criticism she's been taking for her comment this Monday, where she said that "the girl was no saint either" while discussing the incident with Fox's favorite race-baiting cop, Mark Fuhrman and one of their weak kneed "liberal" punching bags, Richard Fowler.

Now she's mad because the dirty hippie "far left" liberal blogs went after her, and her response of course was to punch down at Salon's Scott Kaufman and Media Matters. She lashed out at Kaufman for saying she "spent almost half the program trying to justify the decisions made by the police during the incident at a McKinney, Texas pool party on Friday." Kelly's defense was that it was just two segments out of six. She forgot to mention that those two segments took up almost 25 minutes before the commercials started at the bottom of the hour, which, last time I checked, would be "almost half of the program." Her next attack was to say that she was taken out of context.

While that may be true for the Salon post, as Media Matters noted, they did put her remarks in context, and so did Raw Story, and so did we, and I hate to break it to Kelly, but her remarks don't sound any better with the context added. Talking out of both sides of your mouth and saying you don't defend the cop's actions while doing just that, doesn't mean you weren't defending the cop.

She can run and cry to Howie all she wants and call liberal blogs all the names she wants, but it doesn't change the fact that her network takes up for racists and bigots and now child molesters on a regular basis.

Here's more on her whining from Mediaite: Megyn Kelly Responds to ‘Smears’ from Liberal Blogs over McKinney: Distorting with Glee:

Fox’s Megyn Kelly fired back tonight against the “far-left” blogs that hyped certain comments she made about McKinney earlier this week. During her lengthy coverage of the police confrontation Monday, Kelly repeatedly said the video was brutal, but at one point said the 14-year-old girl the cop attacked “was no saint either.”

That comment was highlighted by a number of liberal websites. Kelly insisted she took “no position” on McKinney and said it was “almost pointless to respond to these kinds of smears,” but she’s just getting tired of sites trying to “distort innocuous comments to promote their own agenda.”

Kelly brought on Howard Kurtz to keep complaining about being taken out of context and how it happens a lot. Kurtz said these websites just have an agenda and were really blaming her for what her guests said.

Kelly declared that Fox News is the only channel offering dissent and disagreement, and whenever anyone disagrees from the liberal media narrative, “you must be a bigot.”

No, you're a bigot because you continually make racist bigoted comments on your show, and bring on guests to do the same and allow their remarks to go unchallenged. If you don't want to be called a race-baiting bigot, quit acting like one.

Since doing just that assures she'll have a steady paycheck coming, don't count on it stopping any time soon. I do expect more pearl clutching and the need for the fainting couch as she continues to play the poor, picked on conservative victimhood card.

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