June 24, 2015

After congratulating the state of Alabama for finally taking down their Confederate flags that were flying at their state capitol, The Nightly Show's Larry Wilmore reminded his audience that despite that good news, as always in America, when it come to progress, it's "one step forward, and two Bill O'Reillys back."

Wilmore proceeded to share with his audience a portion of Bill O'Reilly's show from the previous night, and after disputing his numbers and taking him to task for downplaying the number of hate crimes every year in America, Wilmore wondered which of Fox's favorite black punching bags O'Reilly was going to invite on to talk down to.

Much to his surprise, it was two white women, Monica Crowley and Kirsten Powers that O'Reilly chose to "have a nuanced conversation about race" in America. After expressing his disappointment, Wilmore did give Powers credit for "trying to bring some reason to the proceedings."

After showing a bit of O'Reilly's bullying during the segment, Wilmore decided he wanted to jump in there himself, and had his producers put him on the split screen with Bill-O and his guests to rebut him.

The portion where he goes after Crowley for "answering her own racist softball questions" was priceless. So was his response to O'Reilly saying he doesn't believe racism exists in America. It's nice to see another comedian hammering Fox and giving them the treatment they deserve.

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