June 19, 2015

Lionheart International Services Group is a private security firm that provides security for large gatherings, primarily of a religious nature. In their words:

Our focus areas include: Security Consulting, Security Training, Security Facilitation, and Executive Protection all focused on the unique challenges of the Non-Profit Community.

Todd Starnes is doing his usual fear-mongering, this time by doubling down on the assertion that the attack on the Charleston, SC. church was religiously motivated, not race-based (even though they now know the shooter was a militant racist). It's the Luntz GOP talking point, so they all must claim it's just the War on Christianity.

If you look on Lionheart's site, there is a "where did you hear about us?" section.

Credit: LHISG
The Christian Broadcast Network and Fox News are your first choices. This sounds an awful lot like Blackwater aka Xe Security, which takes our tax dollars to provide security for Americans abroad. Why not profit off security for Americans at home too? Todd Starnes, like the good Christian salesman he is, wants his church-going audience to fear other attacks, this time on white churches. He asks Tim Miller, the head of Lionheart what he thinks.

And one of the nation’s foremost experts in church security fears the Charleston massacre could only be the beginning.

“Violence directed against the church has been growing over the past decade,” said Tim Miller, the president of LionHeart International Services Group. “My fear is what we saw in Charleston is one incident of many more to come.”

LionHart specializes in providing security consulting to churches

“Church security really matters,” he told me. “Churches are becoming more and more a major target. Dealing with this is really important.”

Miller, a retired Marine, served nearly 30 years as a former Secret Service agent, police officer and counter-intelligence officer. His team includes former Homeland Security agents, FBI agents and special-ops personnel.

Miller also appeared on The Kelly File to warn church-goers that it's open season on Christians, never mind all that inconvenient factual nonsense about a white supremacist. Tim Miller continues.

"I spent my life learning how to protect others,” he said. “About three years ago, I realized the same threats we experienced overseas are now here. And we needed to pivot and direct our efforts to help those in churches and non-profits.”

Miller said churches are soft targets and what happened in Charleston should be a wakeup call.

“My first thought was to pray,” he said. “Having been in situations where that kind of carnage exists – the suffering is unimaginable. My second thought – was this is a realization of what we’ve been talking about and what we help churches prepare for.

Starnes helps promote a private security company in exchange for testimony from the security 'expert' which reaffirms his convoluted idea that this is all part of the War on Christianity. The symbiotic relationship between Fox and Lionheart, mercenaries for hire, should be mentioned in a disclaimer. Of course, they won't, because the rules don't apply to The Fox 'News' Network.

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