Donald Trump is just running a big astroturf campaign, resplendent with his bombastic nonsense and paid Hollywood extras.
Donald Trump's big presidential announcement Tuesday was made a little bigger with help from paid actors — at $50 a pop.
New York-based Extra Mile Casting sent an email last Friday to its client list of background actors, seeking extras to beef up attendance at Trump's event.
"We are looking to cast people for the event to wear t-shirts and carry signs and help cheer him in support of his announcement," reads the June 12 email, obtained by The Hollywood Reporter. "We understand this is not a traditional 'background job,' but we believe acting comes in all forms and this is inclusive of that school of thought." (Read the full email at the bottom of the post.)
Angelo Carusone, who has spearheaded the StopBeck and DumpTrump campaigns as a private activist smelled a rat yesterday. Today his hunch was confirmed.
So pathetic.
Edit: Rachel Maddow had a loooong segment on Trump paying actors tonight.