May 16, 2015

Some matches are made in heaven. I wonder where this match came from?

This may be the most ludicrous (cue Mike Tyson) tweet I've ever seen. Just as comical is the article discussing this great event by The American Spectator.

You can watch the full interview above. In it, both James and Judith talk about the state of the media today, and how, in the last several years, the attitude — and, more importantly, the professionalism — of the once noble Fourth Estate has declined, leaving a profession that is less interested in sniffing out the real story than it is in fortifying it's own pre-determined ideology, and feeding the vast connected network of partisan media on the left red meat to perpetuate their outrage.

Professionalism from James O'Keefe? I can think of many words to describe the scum from Breitbart, but professionalism is not one of them. O'Keefe is the most pre-determined ideological fool we've ever seen on the Internet.

As Digby notes:

I'm pretty sure that tweet says everything you need to know about the state of journalism today.

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