May 12, 2015

I missed Greta Van Susteren's stupid talk on ABC's This Week on Sunday, but Lawrence O'Donnell didn't. O'Donnell has a few (last) words for Greta and Fox News, particularly on the topic of Texas, Jade Helm 15, and how our schools have failed Fox News and their viewers.

First, O'Donnell instructed Greta on the proper response to all this ridiculous paranoia, using Rich Lowry's response during the very same round table Greta was on.

"Well, they're pandering to a vocal minority. I'm all in favor of a healthy distrust of the government but not paranoia. There are many threats to our liberty. The U.S. military isn't one of them," Lowry scoffed.

"And besides, federal control of Texas is something that was pretty much established in the mid-19th century by President Polk. So, the idea that the federal government is going to go in and retake over Texas is just nonsense," he continued.

Greta wasn't having any of it, and so she launched into her own little la-la world where everyone is afeared! After wondering aloud why the president and the Pentagon didn't hop on the phone with Governor Greg Abbott the Ridiculous, she said "It's a lot because our leaders are not showing a whole lot of leadership and giving instruction to the American people."

Lawrence had a field day with that, laughing as he pointed out that it's not up to the "leaders" to give instruction to the American people, because the American people were supposed to learn about how the government works when they're in school.

But Greta wasn't finished. "This was -- you know, when I was on the air, I got a million e-mails about this like that Texas was somehow under siege or something," she said.

Cue another paroxysm of laughter from Lawrence, who said he didn't get even one single email about Texas being under siege. Perhaps it is the nature of the Fox News viewer, he wondered, that would prompt them to send one million emails to Greta Van Susteren with paranoid fear that the government they clearly don't understand is taking over Texas.

At the end, O'Donnell circled back to Fox News with this observation.

"What Greta said there turned out to be an intelligence test of its own. If you believe that it's within President Obama's power of persuasion to stop the Fox News audience from sending a million emails filled with paranoia and nonsense about the President, then you just failed that test."

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