Alright, that's it for me this week. See you again next time. Thanks as always for reading and clicking and reading.
Seeing the Forest: From free trade to Baltimore.
Simply Left Behind: Mike Huckabee vs. the modern world.
Fruits and Votes: The U.K. election and Duverger's Law.
Hullabaloo: The myth of black father absenteeism.
Over at my place: Will America vote for Hillary or against the GOP? Does it matter?
And coming full circle to a story I addressed last Monday in this space, yes, even Rick "man on dog" Santorum loves and accepts Bruce Jenner.
Of course Jenner is a Christian Republican, so be as cynical as you want about that one. You're probably right.
Round-up by Michael J.W. Stickings of The Reaction. (Twitter: @mjwstickings.) Send tips to MBRU (at) crooksandliars (DOT) com.