In His Own Words, John Kasich Disparages The Troops
May 21, 2015

Last month, while appearing on Hugh Hewitt's show, Republican Governor and possible 2016 GOP clown car addition, John Kasich was asked if Bush made a mistake taking us into Iraq. Here's his response:

Hewitt: You're not saying Iraq when you say the first Gulf War and Afghanistan. Did President Bush make a mistake in invading Iraq?

Kasich: I don't want to go back and redo that. I mean, it was there, and I don't want to disparage anybody who served our country. I'm just going to reserve my comment on that.

Ahh yes, the inevitable "I don't want to do that, because the troops!" That was on April 21, exactly one month ago. Now fast forward to last night. Kasich is starting to get more attention and there seems to be a more standardized answer coming from the GOP on the same question. So when asked the same question on Megyn Kelley as he was asked by Hewitt, well here's the clip:

From the Cleveland Plain Dealer:

No, I would never have gone in there," Kasich, a former congressman, told Kelly. "Megyn, look, I have a history of this. I was opposed to U.S. involvement in Lebanon. It was a civil war, and I voted no, and I was one of very few Republicans that did. I was opposed to the war of Bosnia. I was not in favor of civil wars, but I supported the first Gulf War. But going into Iraq with no weapons of mass destruction makes no sense because it was not in America's great interest. And all this business about nation-building, you go you take care of business, and you come home."

Kasich added that the Iraq war was "bungled from the beginning."

What happened to his fear that he would "disparage anybody who served this country" by answering the question? A month later and he just blurts out an answer which is probably far more judgmental than anything the other candidates have said. It's amazing how many games Republicans will play with the question of what lead us to the very costly and deadly Iraq war. Not only that, but Kasich also proves that he isn't any different from the other Republican hopefuls. The only answers he has are the ones given by polls and other candidates. 


Here's a video of the two different segments.

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