Ladies and gentlemen....introducing Rand Paul's super duper attractive message that will impress the Kochs and woo the unwashed masses into voting for him in the primaries and general election!
“This comes from a group of people wrong about every policy issue over the last two decades,” the Kentucky Republican said in an interview with Fox News, touting his credentials as the “one standing up to President Obama.”
“And these people are essentially the lapdogs for President Obama and I think they’re sensitive about that,” he said.
Or maybe they just don't like it when opponents lie about them? I can't think of lesser lapdogs than Grumpy McCain and Miss Lindsey. Obama says peace, they say war.
Wait though, there's more, courtesy of Politico stenographers who simply write what they're told, uncritically:
Paul characterized himself as a “Reagan Republican” when asked about whether he was an interventionist or an isolationist.
”I believe in a strong national defense. I believe in peace through strength. I think that intervention’s not always the answer and that some interventions lead to unintended consequences,” he said, ticking through what he called the administration’s failures in Libya, Syria and with the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant.
A Reagan Republican? Maybe in the style of the Reagan Republican that stands tall for the John Birch Society and wants to chase out all the damn Commies.
Does that mean he's going to revive the Star Wars program too?