Crime And Punishment...
Seems I picked the wrong ironic title for yesterday. "Criminal Justice" could have been the title today, or maybe, "Help-- POLICE!!!" Seems to me like it is truly time to have a proper National Discussion about the role of Police in Society in the 21st Century. There seems to be a something seriously amiss. I see "To Protect And Serve," and wonder, whom or what, exactly, because it doesn't seem to be us, down here, any more. That's a problem.
Attaturk, at Rising Hegemon (@Attaturk at twitter), leads us off with a simple chart of deaths by Police.
Tom Levenson, at Balloon Juice (@TomLevenson), a Bostonian, gives thoughtful consideration to Tsarnaev's possible sentencing options.
Zandar Vs The Stupid (@ZandarVTS) demonstrates "(T)he problem with the perception of police brutality in America towards people of color" in two paragraphs.
And finally, Rude Pundit (@rudepundit) sums it all up.
Late Breaking Bonus Track at deadline: Juanita Jean catches the NRA banning guns at their National Convention in Nashville.
Round up by Monkeyfister. Send tips to mbru AT crooksandliars DOT com with “For MBRU” in the subject line.