The Daily Show's Jon Stewart had some fun with the current crop of GOP candidates and their answer to the question of whether they'd attend a gay wedding.
STEWART: And even though there is still an ungodly amount of time until the election, reporters focused mostly on big picture issues.
Cue one GOP candidate after the other being asked by reporters about attending a gay wedding.
STEWART: If you can't handle these questions, how are you going to handle Putin asking you... to go to a gay wedding? How are you going to handle that? Yeah. This election is going to boil down to, who do you trust to pick up the phone at 3am and RSVP to a gay wedding?
But that is how far gay marriage has advanced in this country. Compare it to the questions GOP candidates were being asked in the last election cycle.
As Stewart noted, the national shift on the issue makes it a lot less acceptable for them to say the same things they were saying in the last election cycle, so they're being forced to at least "engage the question," and even if some of them still won't attend a gay wedding, they're now willing to go to the receptions (Unless it's on a Friday afternoon and a cash bar. Then maybe not.)
Of course some of them, like Rick Santorum and Ted Cruz are still having trouble "shedding their 2012 ways." After playing a clip of old Frothy saying he would "love and support" a friend or family member and their decision to get married but would not attend, Stewart laid into him.
STEWART: You know, I know you don’t want to redefine the word marriage, but it does appear you want to redefine the words love and support.
If Santorum doesn't want to support the wedding, that's fine. He'll be there on the wedding night. Don't Google that. Don't Google that.
You're going to need a napkin and a paper towel.
After showing a clip of Ted Cruz on Hugh Hewitt's show as well saying he's never faced that circumstance, Stewart responded.
STEWART: Yeah nice try reporter.
(Note to Jon Stewart: That's not a "reporter." It's Hugh Hewitt.)
He doesn't have friends and doesn't get invited to those things. Especially weddings.
He wasn't done with Cruz yet, so just go watch the rest.