And the hits just keep on coming. The yappers on Fox will come up with anything to try to exonerate the cops in Baltimore.
April 30, 2015

And the hits just keep on coming. The yappers on Fox will come up with anything to try to exonerate the cops in Baltimore. We've gone from Freddie Gray snapped his own spinal cord while trying to injure himself to this:

Fox News pundit: Freddie Gray likely died because he ‘slipped and fell’ while high on drugs:

Fox News contributor Bo Dietl suggested on Thursday that the Baltimore Police Department was innocent in the death of Freddie Gray because he had likely taken drugs, causing him to injure himself. [...]

“What happened in Baltimore — I used to be a homicide detective,” he explained. “I had guys I locked up, would bang their heads on the cell doors until their heads opened up. And when they were bleeding, I had to take them to the hospital.”

“To make it look like the cops did it?” Fox News host Steve Doocy wondered.

“I don’t know what to make of it because they were on drugs,” Dietl replied. “And I’m just hoping that they did toxicology on that young man when they took him into the hospital because I really feel mentally he was not really with it, and possibly he was on drugs.”

“It could be consistent of him banging his head into the wall,” he added. “I don’t want to rush to judgement. Let’s wait. Everybody should wait for the information to come out.”

And then Dietl offered another scenario.

“Do you think possibly when the cops are chasing him, he was trying to get away, he slip and fall and he made an injury,” Dietl speculated. “Now by going into the van there, he made the injury worse. That could have very well happened.”

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