April 5, 2015

During a debate with Iraq veteran Amber Smith on Fox News, former Navy SEAL Carl Higbie argued that women should not be given the opportunity to join elite military units.

Studies released by the Pentagon last week, showed that men in special operation forces had "major misconceptions" about the ability of women to meet the physical demands of combat.

Higbie asserted on Sunday, that women "would be adding another variable" and it was "just unnecessary."

Smith agreed that "mission success" should come before "gender success."

"There has to be this standard across the board that isn't reduced to a gender norms standard in order for women to be able to pass these tests," she explained. "Women don't want that. Women don't want special treatment in the military. It doesn't do them any favors and it doesn't do the military any favors."

"We're successful as an all-male force," Higbie replied. "Nothing against women, but I think they don't have a place. And I'm glad, Amber, you brought up standards because across the military, the standards are different for men and women in all fields."

"And it's only a matter of time before they push that into the SEAL community," he added.

Smith said that there was "no question that the dynamic" of an all-male group would change when women were introduced.

"But it doesn't mean that it won't work," Smith pointed out. "And I'm sorry, but I don't think the excuse of disturbing the good ol' boys club is a valid reason to try and assess for these units if they can meet the exact same standards that men do. I think it really comes down to the maturity and the professionalism of the unit."

Higbie concluded by declaring that "chivalry" would endanger the troops.

"And the fact of the matter here is I don't think that just because some women somewhere probably could doesn't mean they should," Higbie said.

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