Before you all go and ask me why this is something worth your time to read or mine to write, I'll answer that question. Donald Trump's appearance on Neil Cavuto's show is emblematic of the kind of nonsensical propaganda that infects weird Uncle Teabagger and your family gatherings on a regular basis.
During the interview, Trump proclaimed with all attendant pomp that he was the only possible person to save this country from itself, and so he was "seriously" considering running for President. Raise your hand if you know this is baloney.
Trump was seriously pretending he's running for President, which of course he isn't. But because he is pretending, he played his usual game, just like he did back in 2011.
Trump pulled the old bait-and-switch back then, pronouncing that he would release his financial statements if and only if Obama released his long-form birth certificate.
Obama obliged. Trump, not so much. Remember, he was still "running" for President then. That was in April, 2011. So we waited for Trump to make good on his part of the bargain.
And we waited. And waited some more.
Finally, in November, 2011 Mr. Bait-and-Switch released a book to the sound of thunder and fury. In that book, which was likely complete and off to the publishers long before April, 2011, Trump published a financial statement, unaudited and full of more sleight of hand. So to actually know what he claimed was a financial statement, you were supposed to go buy his book. Grifty McGriftster rides again, selling a few books to his Fox Faithful.
Like the $3 billion in assets he claimed was "brand value." Donald Trump may have some brand recognition, but he's smoking something really strong if he thinks it's $3 billion.
Or his overall claim to have a net worth of $7 billion, with no liabilities whatsoever. Everything is tied up in real estate but there's no leverage on it? Please.
Of course, said "financial statements" were nothing more than Donald Trump's inflated idea of who he was and what he thinks he's worth, but do you see any pushback from Cavuto? Any at all? Hell no.
Grifters grift. Trump huffs and pretends to grift. And the Official Republican Propaganda channel just goes right along with the flow.
Meanwhile, we have former New York Governor Pataki snuffling around a possibility of running. Because why not? They're all smelling the fame-and-gravy train now.