There's a project that catalogs the unsung heroes of progressive activism and social causes. With a twist. These are people who abandoned dreams of being a celebrity but became a star in their communities, states and nations.
Take Dee Dee Jasmine, pictured above. Dee Dee had a promising career as a showgirl in the first interracial casino and stage show in Las Vegas. Yet, because of the casino’s bad management, bad location, bad timing and bad luck, Dee Dee had to leave the stage for good. Years later, she founded ETTA, Educating Through The Arts, a successful after-school program for children that touched thousands of lives.
Dee Dee is a star in our book. We want to find more like her and honor them in a compilation.
Let us know in the comments if you know (or know of) anyone like this:
- Living
- Not a celebrity
- Gave up show business
- Made a positive, progressive impact on their community, state or country
And please pass along this call to action. Someone out there knows someone like Dee Dee.
~Rasheed Ogunlaru