Cosmic Insight ~ Live And Let Die, Scorpio Full Moon
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April 27, 2015

Communications will the highlight this week, as Mercury flees from practical Taurus on Thursday April 30; to socialize in chatty Gemini. In the weeks ahead, the way we process thoughts will be dismantled, so that original ideas may be unleashed and thrown into the wind. By cleverly shifting our course with some clean air that stimulates imagination and inspiration, we can create a new form of freedom, from that which was perceived as stuffy and stale.

The most pathetic person in the world is someone who has sight, but has no vision. Helen Keller

Positive changes can be found by strolling onto the alternate route, where fresh concepts can multiply as Mercury transits Gemini. Attempts to break away from concrete beliefs and behaviors can free the mind, while also directing us toward a new path. Clear vision offers a clean mental slate, which can motivate us to become more daring, based on curiosity – rather than control. It reminds me of the ‘happy go lucky’ sixties lyrics sung by Doris Day ‘Que sera sera, Whatever will be, will be. The future’s not ours to see, Que sera, sera, what will be, will be‘.

Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore. Andre Gide

Moving along with these vibrations can help to mentally shift us from the safety of our comfort zone. We can greet life again, but also relate with others on a more friendly level. This will give us an an opportunity to see and know more, rather than stay limited in what we had previously known. New interests will grow, along with getting fresh advice and up-to-date information, which can also lead some into fabrications, white lies and gossip. The possibility of getting lost in direction has much potential as we may experience confusing signs and distractions from next month’s Mercury retrograde.

I have so much chaos in my life, it’s become normal. You become used to it. You have to just relax, calm down, take a deep breath and try to see how you can make things work rather than complain about how they’re wrong. Tom Welling

So as thoughts and words are set loose, there could be the potential of getting tangled into a sticky situation this week with the Scorpio Full Moon on Sunday, May 3. The Full Moon will illuminate her great light to deliver truth with answers, by revealing secrets, the unknown and what had been left in the dark. Deeply experience all the energy that will be coming in this week, but be prepared to release it as well. Shine, then let it go. With the Scorpio Full Moon opposing Taurus Sun, and Pluto retrograde we’ll be torn between building stability, or destroying it all into a million little pieces. Transformative Scorpio energy will allow us to feel the extreme sensitivities that will be brewing behind the scenes this week. These intense vibrations will accentuate what the scorpion does best… which is to sense ‘loyalty’ or ‘betrayal’. The answer that we receive intuitively and from the gut – will determine if it’s safe to gain full control, or to self-protect with the poison of our choice. For the May Tarotscopes, information about the author, or a personalized consult, click here.

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