Fox News host Chris Wallace told Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) on Sunday that he wished that he could put him on the "psychiatrist couch" to find out why the 59-year-old bachelor had never been married.
Last week, a Washington Post profile of the South Carolina Republican noted that Graham had helped raise his sister after his parents died while he was in college.
"Some of your friends suggested that might be the reason you never got married," Wallace observed during an interview on Fox News Sunday. "We can't put you on the psychiatrist couch. But those traumatic events, how did they shape your life?"
"It made me realize that the promise of tomorrow is just a promise," Graham explained. "It taught me how much I was loved by the rest of my family. My aunt and uncle helped me raise my sister. Social Security survivor benefits coming into my family made a world of difference."
"I understand we're all one car wreck away from needing help, but what it told Lindsey Graham above all else is that family, friends and faith really do matter," he continued. "And I'm a lucky man to have all the support I've had all these years."
Graham, who said that there was a "91 percent" chance that he was running for president, insisted that he was trying his "best to pay back a country who has been so good to me."