Peggy Noonan is once again pulling statistics from the land of her posterior. Here she is on this Sunday's Face the Nation pretending that these teabaggers, or the House Freedom Caucus, or whatever these extremists are calling themselves these days represent "the thinking of almost half of the country."
Sorry Peggy but barely winning a majority of the votes in gerrymandered districts in a midterm election with record low turnout does not mean that half of the country agrees with your views.
DICKERSON: Peggy, I want to start with you.
What is worse for the Republicans running the Congress, that they look like they can't govern or that they disappoint their grassroots, who wants them to take on the president?
PEGGY NOONAN, "THE WALL STREET JOURNAL": Ooh, that is a complicated question. That's why this question keeps continuing for the past few years.
If you take a look at the Republican leaders of the Congress, I think you can probably fault them for not being able to control their own conference and control the situation. But you cannot fault them for failing to control the dynamics behind the whole thing.
The fact is, there are about 50 or 60 Republican members who are very skeptical and really in opposition to what they see as de facto amnesty in the United States. They are a small group of the Republican Conference and yet they represent probably the thinking of almost half the country.
And they do not really trust the elites of the parties or the elites of America's financial community to come through and address their concerns.
So I see this whole split and tension as something that will likely continue and be very difficult for Mr. Boehner.
Noonan also forgot to mention that it's the "elites" and billionaires like the Kochs that have bought and paid to put these wingnuts in power. The only reason they pretend they don't like "big government" is because they want to dismantle our social safety nets. They like the rest of it just fine as long as it means their campaign donors are continuing to have their pockets lined and their taxes kept low.