Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker's political action committee has hired prominent Republican strategist Liz Mair to lead online communication efforts, CNN Politics has learned, taking yet another step toward building a team for what is expected to become a presidential campaign later this year.
Mair's political consulting firm will advise on social media and blogger outreach for Walker's PAC, Our American Revival, by providing input on digital strategy and messaging, Mair told CNN on Monday. She'll be joined by associates Brittany Cover and Dan Blum.
On Tuesday, it was revealed that Mair had the audacity to have issued a few tweets that were critical of Iowan Republicans. She also had the gall to see the common sense in President Obama's amnesty program.
Iowan Republicans clutched their pearls and swooned back on their fainting couches, demanding that Walker rid himself of this awful woman.
By the end of the day, Walker boldly appeased the Iowan Republicans and threw Mair under the campaign bus and got her to resign.
Walker has already been slammed by other conservatives for his cowardly actions:
I see from the Associated Press that Liz Mair has resigned from Governor Walker’s campaign. Given Liz’s work history, I will put it to you this way — Team Walker has botched this. There’s just no way Liz Mair resigned with it being her idea. I haven’t talked to her yet, but there’s just no way. So instead of Walker owning this, he’s passed the ball and made a staffer off herself. That’s unfortunate and plays into the “not ready for prime time” theme already developing around Team Walker. At least it is early.
The fact that Walker is willing to throw an aide under the bus at the first sign of trouble is nothing new.
In 2013, when Steve Krieser, his then deputy secretary of transportation, put up a racist rant on Facebook, Walker quickly sent him packing. That in itself wouldn't be unusual except for the fact that Walker has been known to tolerate a lot of racism from his staffers and has not fired them for their inappropriate comments. Instead, he would offer non-apology apologies.
An even more glaring example is Taylor Palmisano, Walker's campaign's former deputy finance director. Palmisano's crime was agreeing to let Walker put her name on the infamous Black Friday fundraising email, in which Walker told people not to buy Christmas presents for their children. Instead, Walker suggested, parents should just give their money to his campaign.
By the time this story was making national and international news, Walker "suddenly" learned of some racist tweets that Palmisano had made three years before he even hired her. This was his official excuse for throwing her under the campaign bus.
The fact that Walker continues to have these issues with his staff after all these years and all these problems, it would make any sane person question Walker's decision making skills. That's not a very good quality for a presidential wannabe.
But then again, when have Republicans have been known for picking high quality candidates?