March 10, 2015

Former NSA and CIA chief Michael "Rectal Hydrator" Hayden has chosen to come out of the shadows and speak out against the President of the United States. In public, and apparently without consequence.

Speaking to Newsmax TV in the interview above, Hayden said, "We need to look at the deal in its entirety and frankly push the president's view on the deal aside, push Secretary Kerry's view on the deal aside."

In other words, Americans, please ignore the man you elected twice to handle this type of delicate negotiation because Mr. CIA Guy Hayden knows in his heart that the Iranians are cheating even if he has no evidence of it.

His reasons are the usual nonsense one might expect from the neocon military-industrial barons of this age.

First, it's because they're probably cheating.

"They're stiffing the IAEA, the international inspectors, on those questions and I'm still concerned about what's the fine print with regard to the Iranian facilities at Fordow, where they've got a reactor hall inside a granite mountain, and in Iraq, where they've got a plutonium reactor under construction," he said. "So there's a lot to be checked here."

Was Hayden one of the geniuses who swore Iraq had weapons of mass destruction? Whether or not he was, his defense of indefensible acts of torture employed during the Strangelove-Cheney administration leaves him with no credibility on any issue to do with anything at all. That doesn't stop him from imagining, however.

In The World According To Hayden, maybe there's no evidence Iran is cheating on anything at all. But maybe they might cheat in a place that's not Iran because inspectors have been allowed to make their inspections in accordance with the negotiated agreements.

"They're going to build that stuff somewhere else we don't know of yet. What they're building … is knowledge and confidence and technological know-how."

Wait. First they're cheating, but in case they're not cheating then what's really happening is they're learning so they can build their silos somewhere that we don't know of yet because they haven't actually started building anything in the unknown place yet?

I'll bet he worries about his fillings receiving coded messages, too.

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