Senator Lindsey Graham attacked Rep. Nancy Pelosi's appearance a creep because he didn't like her response to Netanyahu's speech.
March 4, 2015

When conservative politicians are confronted by a powerful female, they usually stoop to gutter humor. Sen. Lindsey Graham was angered by Nancy Pelosi's harsh words about Bibi Netanyahu's speech so he lashed out as only an insecure man can. Josh Rogin reported what he said at a private fundraiser after the speech:

In a private fund-raiser after the speech, Republican Senator Lindsey Graham pointed to Pelosi’s behavior as evidence that a Republican majority is better for those who support Israel. “Did you see Nancy Pelosi on the floor. Complete disgust,” he said, according to one attendee. “If you can get through all the surgeries, there’s disgust.”

Stay classy, Goober. Soon after he tried to backpedal and apologized.

The standard excuse for these neanderthals is to say they were just trying to be funny like Jon Stewart. Their entire repertoire consists of attacking women for their looks, their anger or their clothes.

(h/t Talking Points Memo)

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