One of the most prominent of those arrested and convicted was Kelly Rindfleisch, who Walker hired to be his deputy chief of staff while he was Milwaukee County Executive. Based on the emails and other court documents, Rindfleisch's primary responsibility was to do fundraising for Walker and Brett Davis, who Walker wanted to be his lieutenant governor.
Rindfleisch was convicted of misconduct in office in a plea deal. Even though her sentence was a slap on the wrist, she immediately appealed her conviction. When she lost her appeal, she appealed it to the Wisconsin Supreme Court.
The Supreme Court has now also rejected her appeal:
The state Supreme Court has rejected an appeal from a former aide to Gov. Scott Walker when he was Milwaukee County executive.
Kelly Rindfleisch, who was convicted of misconduct in office for doing campaign work while at her county government job, had appealed her conviction to the state's highest court in December.
The move came after a state appeals court upheld her conviction in November, when a three-judge panel rejected her argument in a 2-1 decision.
On Monday, the Supreme Court denied her petition. Justice David Prosser did not participate.
This decision has significance on several different levels.
First, it means that Rindfleisch will finally have to pay her debt to society for her crimes and have to serve her six-month jail sentence and three years of probation. She will be the third person convicted out of the Walkergate investigation that will have spent time behind bars.
Secondly, despite his protests to the contrary, Walker knew full well about the secret email system and the illegal activities his staff were conducting. Hell, he was directing them.
Thirdly, it should be noted that Walker knew that this would be damaging to him, which led him and his friends to fund Rindfleisch's legal defense.
Fourth, the fact that Walker had the audacity of a dope in attacking Hillary Clinton over her supposed email scandal shows just what a hypocrite and weasel Walker really is.
Fifth, it is interesting in itself that the Supreme Court chose not to even hear the matter, especially since Rindfleisch's defense was that the scope of the investigation was too broad. This is the same argument being used in the John Doe cases that the Supreme Court will be hearing later this year.
In the same sense, it is worth noting that Justice David Prosser did not participate in the decision. While it could be that he was on vacation or out practicing his choke holds, it could also be that Prosser is tied in with Rindfleisch. We do know that Prosser had questionable activities happening on his most recent reelection.
With all the other gaffes and missteps that have been plaguing Walker and his campaign, the last thing he wanted was to have this reminder of the corruption he oversaw popping up. Personally, I don't think that it could happen to a more deserving person.