Ferguson Police Chief Thomas Jackson Resigns - UPDATED
March 11, 2015

Set your DVRs for March 19th, because that's the day I'm sure Police Chief Thomas Jackson will become a regular on Sean Hannity's show.

The Chief has resigned, with an effective date of March 19th.

Police Chief Thomas Jackson has resigned from the police department effective March 19, the Post-Dispatch has learned.

Jackson, 57, is the sixth city employee to leave in the wake of a scathing federal Department of Justice report that alleged racist police and court practices that aim only to raise the city's revenue instead of protecting its citizens.

In an exclusive interview, Jackson said he felt it was time for the city to move on. He said an interim chief will be appointed from within the department.

"It is with profound sadness that I am announcing I am stepping down from my position as chief of police for the city of Ferguson Missouri," Jackson said in his resignation letter.

"It has been an honor and a privilege to serve this great city and to serve with all of you," his letter continued. "I will continue to assist the city in anyway I can in my capacity as private citizen."

A press conference was called for City Hall at 4 p.m.

Mayor James Knowles III said Wednesday he will not resign, despite rumors to the contrary.

Jackson initially told the city his resignation would be effective March 19. City officials then contacted him Wednesday afternoon and said it should take effect immediately. After discussion about the need for a transition team, both sides settled on March 19.

That resignation is long overdue, and really is a big step toward changing the culture of how police work is done in Ferguson.

Will Mayor Knowles be next?

Update: Aww, that's precious. He gets a severance package. Here is the press release:

Also, his replacement in the interim comes from the same culture he created, as Lisa Bloom notes:

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