'Crazy Lefty Money'
March 23, 2015

Mayor Rahm Emanuel is everything I can't stand in a supposed democratic politician. While working for President Bill Clinton, he helped institute welfare reform that made conservatives oogle with delight and also was the driving force behind a trade deal that has crippled America called: NAFTA.

He's now in a dog fight to keep his mayoral seat in an unprecedented April runoff and his people are really telling you how much they hate the left.

You know, his own party.

“Unless they get the crazy lefty money machine going nationally, it’s not going to matter that there’s a resurgent left,” said an adviser to Mr. Emanuel who did not want to speak publicly about strategy. “The liberals at Heartland Cafe in Rogers Park can think great thoughts and read poetry for Chuy, but nothing else will happen.”

As Digby says, If you're a crazy lefty and would like to tell Rahm to suck on this, here's where you can do it.

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