March 15, 2015

James Carville with the quote of the day on the Republican fishing expedition and Hillary Clinton's emails.

STEPHANOPOULOS: I heard you laughing during that part that Democrats are having second thoughts.

But what has the Clinton camp taken away from this?

CARVILLE: Well, first of all, we've go to start with what a former Obama aide had concerns. OK. But let's get serious here.

What this is is the latest in a continuation and if you take it all and you put it together and you subtract 3.1415 from pi, you're left with not very much. And that's what -- at the end of the day, so the Republicans can't pass a budget. All right, we've got another investigation, just like we had the Whitewater, just like you go through the Filegate, you go through Travelgate, you go through seven or eight different Congressional committees you wonder why the public is not following this. Because they know what it is.

It was something that she did. It was legal. I suspect she didn't want Louis Gohmert rifling through her e-mails, which seems to me to be a kind of reasonable position for someone to take.

So it amounts to -- just like everything else before it, it amounts to nothing but a bunch of people flapping their jaws about nothing.

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