Conservative pundit Liz Cheney asserted over the weekend that President Barack Obama was "aligning American policy more with Iran that with Israel."
March 22, 2015

Conservative pundit Liz Cheney asserted over the weekend that President Barack Obama was "aligning American policy more with Iran that with Israel."

Speaking to Fox News on Sunday about the president's relationship with Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Cheney charged that Obama had been "looking for any excuse possible to distance the United States from Israel."

"You now have this unbelievable situation where we are aligning ourselves more with the Iranians than with the Israelis in the Middle East," she opined. "[Obama] said we have got to evaluate what other options are available in terms of the two state solution to makes sure we don't see a chaotic situation in the region! What in the world does he think is going on in the region?"

According to Cheney, Israelis were right not to trust the president because he "doesn't have their interests in mind, has done everything he can to distance himself from them, and seems to be totally unaware at best of the complete and total mess his policies have created in their neighborhood."

However, Washington Post columnist Bob Woodward argued that the ties between Israel and the United States would not be significantly impacted because of a frosty relationship between Obama and Netanyahu.

"Everyone has said, including President Obama in the phone conversation with Netanyahu that the military and intelligence and diplomatic alignment remains," Woodward explained. "That's what's important. This is not going to change the overall."

"Sorry, Bob, I think it clearly does change the overall relationship," Cheney shot back. "They cannot comprehend why the president of the United States is doing more to align America policy with Iran than with Israel."

"It just is not true that the president has aligned himself with the Iranians on this," Woodward replied. "Come on, he said we're going to have intrusive inspections. Is that alignment?"

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