The horrific tale of Rep. Justin Harris and his exorcist loving self keeps taking Linda Blair-esq turns. I'm sure you've read my post on this piece of garbage politician named Rep Justin Harris, who adopted two girls and being convinced evil spirits inhabited them, tried an exorcism on them. Which ultimately led him to send one off to a sex offender to be raped.
Apparently, he has a defender in Arkansas, who is blaming "the people" for Harris's lunacy and his name is Mark Martin.
But Justin Harris still has many friends and defenders, including the Arkansas Secretary of State, who has taken to MyFacePlace to call people — polite people, even! not even Wonkers! — who disparage Justin Harris’s parenting “hypocritically self-righteous.” Why, not just self-righteous, but hypocritically so!
As usual in the saga of Justin Harris, we shall be pointing you to the work of the goodly folk at the Arkansas Times — or, in the Secretary of State’s words, a “vile socialist anti-Christian propaganda blog.” (Nope, not Wonkette.)
In this case, we will be stealing only an image or two, and invite you to head over there to read the rest of the FaceGrace squabbling for yourself.
So which people, according to Arkansas Secretary of State Mark Martin, are BAD people, while the guy who dumped his adopted daughters (after “trying” to save them, through reported exorcisms and also locking them in their rooms with only a video camera for a pal) is GOOD? Basically, all the people who fund PBS. You know: “people like you.”
Read the rest of the post on Wonkette to see all the Facebook comments Martin left.