I always find it fascinating when one religion bashes another. The need that each one has to justify itself as being the only "real" religion is mostly about recruitment and the need to appease their own doubts. So when Pat Robertson says Islam is not a religion I have to laugh. Many people could say that Robertson's version of Christianity is not a religion, but a well oiled money making machine designed to bilk average Americans out of every penny they earn. Am I right?
But the new norm for these religious hucksters is to create a conspiracy theory about President Obama, the secret Muslim - trying to rule the world by helping Islam implement 'Sharia law" around the world.
Because he's a secret Muslim.
Pat Robertson appears to be convinced that President Obama is a secret Muslim, telling “700 Club” viewers today that the president is in on an Islamist plot to take over the entire world and impose Sharia across the globe.
After comparing Islam to Nazism, Robertson said that people need to know that Islam is not a religion but a political movement bent on world domination, and Obama is helping this effort.“
It’s time our president opened his eyes, but I think maybe he already knows because he went to one of those schools over in Indonesia and he’s been drinking pretty heavily of the Kool-Aid,” he said.