When Bill O'Reilly mewled to reporters about his Brian Williams moment, he stepped over a line in at least one interview, telling the reporter that "he expects Corn to be in the kill zone. Where he deserves to be."
That's wildly violent rhetoric, and Mother Jones wasted no time firing back a demand for Fox News and Bill O'Reilly to retract and apologize for that.
"We are writing with alarm about Bill O’Reilly's response to our report investigating his characterizations of his reporting in 'war zones,'" EICs Clara Jeffery and Monika Bauerlein wrote to Fox News EVP Bill Shine and spokesperson Dana Klinghoffer. "We welcome criticism, but calling for our reporter 'to be in the kill zone' crosses a line. Like everyone in media today, we are concerned about the safety of our staff. We'd have hoped that statements with this kind of violent tone would not come from a fellow media professional."
Jeffrey and Bauerlein said that O'Reilly should either "renounce his 'kill zone' remark and apologize" on air Friday night or "issue a separate statement renouncing the remark and apologizing."
This is an opportunity to define Fox News for what it is -- fake news. When Lara Logan reported a made-up Benghazi story for CBS, she had to apologize. When Brian Williams invented a moment in Iraq that didn't happen, he was suspended and the network apologized.
That's what news networks do. Fox News is not a news network. It is Republican Party Television.
Bill O'Reilly will continue to whine, likely using his show tonight to slam Corn harder and burnish his BS about where he was and was not in the Falklands. He will make himself into a martyr in the name of free speech, because what he and Fox does is not news and this will forever define it as such.
Going forward, we should forever refer to this network as Republican Party TV, rather than by the brand they claim to be.