Friday Free For All...
Lately, I have been introduced to a LOT of new blogs. Some have been around for a long time, others are brand new. I for one am especially thrilled to see any new blogger start up, and lend voice to the cause. I've been happy to include some through the week. Paul and Nancy, below, I've only discovered this week. For the first time in a while, I've not had to worry about "running out of blogs." Thank you all for your time, effort, thoughts and words.
Blogger and Author, Paul Bibeau, of GOBLINBOOKS, wants you to consider The Garden State when you're ready for your child's first trepanation. Gov. Christie's got your back. From his new book!
Nancy LeTourneau, at Horizons, examines some serious "Jeb Jibberish."
Lambert Strether, at Corrente has a 12-Point Platform to counter the rising American Aristocracy.
And finally, Echidne Of The Snakes examines Scott Walker and the Search For Truth in his attack on the University of Wisconsin System.
Round up by Monkeyfister. Send tips to mbru AT crooksandliars DOT com with “For MBRU” in the subject line.