What kind of society doesn't let parents pick up their kids at school with guns and ammo in the car? Nevada's Cliven Bundy Caucus thinks this is just a swell idea.
February 8, 2015

The NRA-ILA (the legislative arm of the gun lobby) has drafted legislation in Nevada, home of the Cliven Bundy Caucus, that will allow guns in vehicles on school property. Because it seems to be such a dire need, the Nevada Legislature believed this (Assembly Bill 2--AB2) was paramount to get through their legislative session, right away. After the governor waged savage cuts on education, this was next on the agenda. The NRA-ILA claims:

This bill is key to preserving your fundamental right to self-defense on the property of certain educational and childcare facilities.

Once again, proving he is always on the wrong side of EVERYTHING, Tucker Carlson said,

"If I'm coming from hunting (double entendré, not intended) and pull on to a school parking lot, and leave my gun in my vehicle, I could be arrested, even though I don't pose a threat."

Assembly Speaker John Hambrick is sponsoring the bill and said it would allow firearms to be stored in a car on the grounds of any daycare center or public, private or college campus as long as the vehicle is occupied, locked or if the gun is kept in a storage container. Current Nevada law makes it a misdemeanor to possess firearms on school grounds, although there are some exceptions.

NVFAC recently awarded A Rating certificates to members of the Nevada 77th Legislature who demonstrated strong support for the right to keep and bear arms as enumerated in the Nevada and United States Constitution. Of course, ammosexuals John Hambrick and Michele Fiore are proud servants of their gun overlords. While John proposed AB2, Fiore was busy trying to get more guns on the UNLV campus. The UNLV Police are very much against this bill.

The Nevada Education Association (NEA) disagrees with these lunatics.

In a letter to the committee, President Ruben Murillo, Jr. writes, "The presence of guns in vehicles on a public school campus greatly increases the likelihood of a student accessing a weapon and harming themselves or other students." He recalls a 1996 incident at McQueen high school when a student was fatally shot by a fellow student on accident.

Carlson asks,

"Wouldn't it be useful if a school shooting breaks out to have some decent, normal, sane person with a firearm to protect the kids."

The anti-gun guest, Mark Glaze (Everytown Against Guns), explains how this historically has not been the case. The NEA conducted interviews and many believe this bill is a bad idea.

Others are worried allowing guns on campus will lead to more crime. "I don't see why you'd need a gun on campus,” says Wilbur Kemp. “We have our own police that are on campus. There are emergency stations everywhere in case someone needs help."

The pro-gun guest, Emily Miller, kept invoking the Bloomberg name, as if that is the ultimate insult to the 2nd Amendment. She was not having any of that comparing-the-U.S.-to-Europe-gunsense-talk, they have a different culture. They make sense while we make more awful statistics that horrify the rest of the world.

If this horrifies you as well, join us here to fight more insane gun laws nationwide.

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