Lisa Kennedy Montgomery was either trolling or she's got the homeschoolers' lines down pat.
February 19, 2015

Was she trolling or was she serious? Hard to tell in this segment.

Lisa "Kennedy" Montgomery led off the discussion on Oklahoma's ridiculous AP History decision with this:

Kennedy's comments came during a segment about an Oklahoma bill, approved by a House committee, that seeks to eliminate AP US History. The bill asserts that the current iteration of the course doesn't show "American exceptionalism," instead highlighting "what is bad about America."

"There really shouldn't be public schools, should there?" Kennedy said. "I mean we should really go to a system where parents of every stripe have a choice, have a say in the kind of education their kids get because, when we have centralized, bureaucratic education doctrines and dogmas like this, that's exactly what happens."

Alex Ferrer, the show's "OneLuckyGuy," laughed off Kennedy's comments before stressing the importance of accepting the good and the bad of American history.

Co-host Andrea Tantaros chimed in, saying the nation should "abolish the Department of Education" before Kennedy continued.

Let's see if we can find the Americans for Prosperity logo somewhere in the room, since those talking points came straight from them.

Kennedy is uniquely qualified to comment, given that her academic letters appear to be earned as a VJ on MTV. Who needs public schools when you've learned at the knee of Dan Quayle and Howard Stern?

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