I suppose it takes a war criminal to recognize war crimes, but in the case of ISIS, it's not like we don't all see what they're doing and understand that it's criminal.
That's not the point, really. But that doesn't stop Fox News from dragging Rumsfeld out of mothballs to criticize the Obama administration. Roger Ailes probably is still breathing heavy from the excitement of it all.
Former Secretary of State Donald Rumsfeld went “On the Record” tonight, where he said much of the country seems to be in denial about ISIS terrorism.
His interview came in the wake of reports that ISIS has burned 45 people to death in Iraq, in addition to the news that ISIS beheaded 21 Christians in Libya.
“It brings back to mind the period before World War II where people said ‘I didn’t know’ or ‘I was just following orders’ or ‘it’s random,' but when you kill – systematically kill – Jews and kill Christians and say that’s what you’re doing, it’s not random, it's purposeful.”
Rumsfeld said this country must look at this problem honestly and deal with it. He said that the only way to deal with ISIS is to go after it.
“It is important that we not have a leadership vacuum,” he added.
If anyone would know about leadership vacuum and denial, it's Rumsfeld. It's pretty ballsy of Fox News to bring the guy on who is ultimately most responsible for what is happening now in the Middle East.
Yet it all seems to be so selective. Boko Haram kills 2000 people in Africa and Fox News yawns. Because Muslim-on-Muslim genocide isn't really anything to worry about if it's in Africa. Not to minimize the brutality of what ISIS is doing here, but the only reason to single it out as some ultra-heinous act is fear.
No one knows better how to capitalize on fear than Donald Rumsfeld.