January 29, 2015

During today's confirmation hearings for Loretta Lynch, Senator Sheldon Whitehouse used his time to review the parade of witnesses called by Republicans to put Eric Holder on trial instead of evaluating Loretta Lynch.

Whitehouse called out Republicans for turning serious confirmation hearings into a "soundbite factory for Fox News and conspiracy theorists everywhere."

He also reminded everyone present that it's wrong to launch personal attacks in a forum where the person under attack cannot defend themselves.

While Whitehouse unironically created a soundbite to counter the other soundbites, his entire remarks are worth watching, because he walks straight down the line of witnesses and gets them on the record for their support for Loretta Lynch, which is unanimous with varying degrees of enthusiasm.

Republicans thought they were going to use these confirmation hearings to slap Eric Holder, but Sheldon Whitehouse just handed out the best sound bite of the day.

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