I'm concerned about Ron Fournier. Perhaps he has suffered a terrible concussion, or maybe it's just Villager Selective Amnesia Syndrome. Whatever it is, it's terrible.
His CNN appearance Thursday morning was evidence that he has undergone a terrible mind-blanking, but his column confirms it.
Concerned about Hillary's "need" to distance herself from Barack Obama, Fournier seizes on a tweet:
The political media took her at face value—always a risky route with the Clintons. "Hillary hugs Obama—again," declared the NBC political blog First Read. "Clinton [tied] herself to Obama's economic programs," The Washington Post reported.
The second sentence of her tweet is the key—the social-media shiv. "Now we need to step up and deliver for the middle class."
Key word: Deliver.
Not content to stop there, he quotes an anonymous Clinton-circle (or so he claims) source:
Clinton is not worried about being associated with Obama's policies, associates say. Her challenge is to convince voters that, unlike Obama, she can deliver on her promises.
"He can blame Republicans and all sort of structural problems—and get sympathy from a lot of us," said one associate who spoke on condition of anonymity so that she could channel Clinton's thinking. "But voters don't want to hear that. They want shit done. He hasn't gotten shit done."
I guess I need to remind this poor sufferer of VSAS that: 1) He did get shit done; and 2) He managed to do it with unprecedented obstruction on the part of the opposing party who happens to be Fournier's as well.
Because he clearly had some form of brain dysfunction when he wrote his column, we should remind him that the last two Congresses have been the most unproductive in American history. Not the President, Ron. Congress.
Now we will have two years where Republicans will "govern" by passing ridiculous abortion bills, voting on whether climate change is real before approving a pipeline they don't have jurisdiction over, and voting more times to repeal Obamacare.
If people wrinkle their noses and say, "Golly, gosh, they're not getting a thing done that needs to be done," Republicans needn't worry because they'll have good old Ron Fournier around to forget all the things they haven't done while he blames it on Obama.