No More Mr. Nice Blog - liked Romney? have I got a Bush to sell you!
Pleasantly Eccentric - support local businesses, not big banks;
Sky Dancing - of the Epiphany and Keystone XL;
The Mahablog - Keystone Cop-Outs;
Zandar Versus the Stupid - NY Dems: let's run the same idiot who just lost against the new GOP guy!
blogenfreude blogs at and suggests watching this video of the late racing legend Ayrton Senna flogging a Honda/Acura NSX (a car he helped design) around Suzuka. Watch the feet - oh, to drive like that!
Send tips to MBRU at crooksandliars DOT com.
Editor's note: Michael Stickings was scheduled to do this week's round up and caught the flu. We wish him a speedy recovery and thank blogenfreude for the last-minute help.