Koch Networks Plan To Spend Almost $1 Billion In 2016
January 26, 2015

The Kochs celebrated the 5th anniversary of the Citizens United decision by throwing a bash in Palm Springs. Their guests were so excited about their 2016 prospects that they all committed the Big Billionaire Bucks on the spot, I guess.

Washington Post reports:

The massive financial goal was revealed to donors during an annual winter meeting here hosted by Freedom Partners, the tax-exempt business lobby that serves as the hub of the Koch-backed political operation, according to an attendee. The amount is more than double the $407 million that 17 allied groups in the network raised during the 2012 campaign.

The figure comes close to the $1 billion that each of the two parties’ presidential nominees are expected to spend in 2016, and cements the network’s role as one of the country’s most potent political forces.

The $889 million goal reflects the budget goals of all the allied groups that the network funds. Those resources will go into field operations, new technology and policy work, among other projects.

The group — which is supported by hundreds of wealthy donors on the right, along with the Kochs — is still debating whether it will spend some of that money in the GOP primaries. Such a move could have a major impact in winnowing the field of contenders but could also undercut the network’s standing if it engaged in intraparty politics and was not successful.

Before you throw your hands up in the air and walk away dejected, don't get sucked into the "money buys everything" argument. It doesn't, and it's especially ineffective during general elections.

What it will mean, however, is that people need to commit now to get out and vote in 2016. Money talks when turnout is low. When it's not, the people speak.

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