Sen. Lindsey Graham (R. SC) has a hissy fit over the Obama Administration's response to the terrorist attack in Paris last week.
January 11, 2015

Because it wouldn't be Sunday without some pants shitting and fear mongering from the Sunday talk shows favorite chicken hawk:

"I have no idea why the president of the United States won't call this a religious war when the president of Egypt does. Our strategy to combat radical Islam is failing," Graham said on Fox News' "Sunday Morning Futures."

Graham charged that Obama does not take the threat of terrorism seriously enough and criticized the president for sending Attorney General Eric Holder to a security summit in Paris this weekend.

"Last time I checked, we're at war. I wouldn't send my attorney general if I were president to deal with radical Islamic terrorists," Graham said. "The attorney general is a law enforcement officer and it tells you all you need to know about Obama’s view of this conflict. He thinks it’s a crime out of control. I think it’s a war out of control."

The blubbering didn't just end there:

He asserted that Obama's real goal is to "run out the clock" and pass the problem of Islamic terror on to the next President.

"If we wait two or three years to deal with these guys, the likelihood of getting attacked at home is great," Graham said. "President Obama's strategy is not going to degrade or destroy [ISIS]. It's going to allow this conflict to go further and longer."

"I've never been more worried about being hit at home, because the president's worldview and strategy toward radical Islam is failing."

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