I think there's an unwritten rule out there that any time David Brooks writes something extremely ridiculous in one of his columns over at The New York Times (where he inexplicably still holds a job that apparently pays him quite handsomely) which has already been picked apart in post after post by liberals, the people who book these Sunday shows are required to have him on speed dial.
So here he is on this Sunday's Meet the Press being asked to weigh in on the terrorist attack in France last week, and thrown a softball by Chuck Todd which was just begging for Brooks to do what he already did on PBS this Friday, which was, as Driftglass pointed out, to basically just read aloud from his own column in response. The audience was treated to these pearls of wisdom instead.
TODD: You know David Brooks, seventeen people are dead in Paris, two thousand Nigerians in the name is Islamic radicalism also were killed this week, Boko Haram in Nigeria. Is this a world-wide... what is this?
BROOKS: Well it's failed states and I would say, say you're in college or you want to give money to bed nets. We give to clean water, all that anti-poverty stuff. The central anti-poverty program is law and order. You can't get rich if you're afraid of getting shot in the back of the head at night.
And so if you're giving as an individual, if you're thinking of the state, giving to law and order groups like International Justice Mission and other things like that, that is actually the basis to get an anti-poverty poverty program.
So Bono is doing great stuff with the diseases, the Gates Foundation. Law and order always comes first.