Christian protesters shouted Anti-Muslim insults at a peaceful gathering of Muslims during Texas' Muslim Capitol Day
January 29, 2015

Texas Muslim Capitol Day is a good thing and has been going on since 2003. Its function is to have Muslims in the community meet lawmakers and learn about the political process. That's a surprisingly progressive thing to do in Texas, but as usual it turned ugly when conservative Christian protesters showed up and yelled Islamophobic rants at those participating in the event.

Texas Muslim Capitol Day, which began in 2003, is organized by the Texas chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations and brings members of Muslim communities in Houston, Dallas and other areas of the state to the Capitol to learn about the political process and meet state lawmakers.

Even before participants in Thursday's event — about 100 Muslims, mostly children — could get to lawmakers' offices, they encountered opposition from a group of about 25 protesters outside the Capitol holding signs. One said, "Radical Islam is the New Nazi." Another said, "Go Home & Take Obama With You."

The Muslim group held a press conference on the South steps of the Capitol, where one of the protesters yanked the microphone from an event organizer, shouting, “Islam will never dominate the United States and by the grace of God, it will never dominate Texas.”

As the group of Muslims continued the event by singing "The Star-Spangled Banner," the interruptions persisted, with the protesters yelling, “Islam is a lie!” and “No Sharia here!”

It's no surprise that this is the first year these religious hate mongers showed up at this event since some many lies have been told by Fox News, Republican politicians and activists about all the phony Muslim no-go zones in Europe and America that are taking over the world.

Conservative politics today is more about revving up fear and hatred throughout the world instead of offering solutions.

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